Digital dating and divorce

Over recent years, online dating has become more popular for people seeking a partner. Between the years 2015 and 2019, 32% of new couples met online. A study entitled “Relative Strangers: The Importance of Social Capital for Marriage” looks at the correlation between couples who meet online and the rise in divorce rates.

It has been suggested that online dating seeks to “fast track” the dating process. The suggestion being that couples don’t truly get to know one another. The conclusions drawn in the abovementioned study may support this argument as it found that 12% of couples who meet online divorce within their first three years of marriage. After seven years of marriage, the likelihood of divorce for a couple who meet through an online platform is 17% in comparison to the average figure of 10% for couples who meet through friends and family.

Although the report concludes that couples who initially meet online are more likely to divorce, the report’s research director, Harry Benson, doesn’t try to dissuade people from using online dating. However, he does urge caution, emphasising the importance of taking time to get to know any potential partner.

Regardless of how you met, we would encourage individuals to exercise caution and consider their legal position before making any big decisions. This includes considering a cohabitation agreement before cohabiting and a pre-nuptial agreement prior to marriage. Receiving advice at an early stage will ensure that you are in the best possible position should your relationship sadly end.

Whatever the stage of your relationship, our solicitors at Lux can assist you. Should you require advice regarding cohabitation agreements, pre-nuptial agreements or divorce, please contact our office on 02920 197203.